My NOT so Fantasy Life
Random thoughts. list form. Over Thinking. Life. Fashion. Photographs.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Youtube I get it.
As I am writing the title for the post it just occurred to me the meaning well (My) meaning of YOUTUBE. Tube bringing you to may different videos of completely different content.
Let me beginning to say, I start out with a simple search for a specific video like Jenna Marbles and somehow 20 videos later, I am watching videos about the tsunami back in 2011 Seriously? Why? Its crazy how I can go from a simple funny video to something so depressing and and unhappy. I don't know why but I just couldn't stop it was like broken up into 5 or 6 different clips.
There are the Awesome lovely F-ing cat videos. I really cannot get enough of those cute little creatures...My heart melts every time. The other night I was checking out a link on a cat video and somehow I am watching a families vlog and learning everything about them and how YouTube contributed to their second child. It was a cute family to watch and learn about. Check them out Devin and Erica. This is the Video that first linked me to them must see!
I just found the History tab in Youtube...Now I can really follow my streaming and how I go from one to another.
Happy Tuesday!
Jenna Marbles,
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
life after College
For me life after college is no different then being in college.
At this point I can't even get an easy High school job.
Jobs like...
Starbucks Seriously, I have applied there like 5 times in the last 6 years. I want to work in a coffee shop I promise I will give you my best work and all of my attention. Waking up at 4 AM no problem. Yet nothing each time. WHYyyYYYY??
Mandees the clothing store..Well shit they were just mean! All judgy because I had a college Degree and wasn't working in my field of study. Wow really? That interview was terrible!! Now I feel I can never show my face in that store again.
The Children's Science Center...SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL? I liked the idea of working there and everything I would be doing. I would have been a great addition to your company. I love kids. I love science and I can handle grumpy people. Hire me please!
I guess I will end this rant as I could go on FOR-EV-ER!
I am thinking this will become a weekly post. With weekly updates of where my job search is going. I think many people can relate as this is a common issue.
- I still have no job.
- No money Because I have no job
- I am still bored in life.
At this point I can't even get an easy High school job.
Jobs like...
Starbucks Seriously, I have applied there like 5 times in the last 6 years. I want to work in a coffee shop I promise I will give you my best work and all of my attention. Waking up at 4 AM no problem. Yet nothing each time. WHYyyYYYY??
Mandees the clothing store..Well shit they were just mean! All judgy because I had a college Degree and wasn't working in my field of study. Wow really? That interview was terrible!! Now I feel I can never show my face in that store again.
The Children's Science Center...SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL? I liked the idea of working there and everything I would be doing. I would have been a great addition to your company. I love kids. I love science and I can handle grumpy people. Hire me please!
I guess I will end this rant as I could go on FOR-EV-ER!
I am thinking this will become a weekly post. With weekly updates of where my job search is going. I think many people can relate as this is a common issue.
job search,
Monday, September 30, 2013
Last Day! A
photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for
you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you.
Tell us about it and why it's special.
I am pleased to announce I completed this challenge and although some where after midnight I still got a post out everyday of the week :) I am actually Sad to see this challenge end I really enjoyed each day writing and posting. I have come up with some new ideas to keep me writing so hopefully I can get this thing up and kicking on its own.
I am pleased to announce I completed this challenge and although some where after midnight I still got a post out everyday of the week :) I am actually Sad to see this challenge end I really enjoyed each day writing and posting. I have come up with some new ideas to keep me writing so hopefully I can get this thing up and kicking on its own.
is my childhood Pillow Case also known as Pilly. As you can see this thing is
OLD A little Dirty. See I was a thumb sucker For a long, Long, LONG, time and
therefore to help sooth my thumb sucking I had to have a soft texture to
rub against my face and or hands. I used to have a big old bed sheet that did
the trick. However, my mom thought it would be a great idea to cut her up into squares.
She was afraid I would choke. Therefore as she was split up and I took her
everything I ended up losing her somewhere. It was very sad.
after the loss I needed something new to help me sleep. Thus came Pilly the
pillow/case. I had the same pillow and the same case for over ten years! This
thing used to be white with flowers. Yeah, this is what time does/traveling.
Pilly has gone everywhere with me. Sleepovers, CA, FL, Vermont. To the ONE Boy friend’s
house, and even to college.
travels have really taking a hit on her. It’s very sad. One night she got a
very large Rip it was horrible still remember the sound. Then in an attempt to
De-wrinkle her I ironed her. That was the worst Choice ever. I burned her really
bad I cried for an hour.
do to intense anxiety of losing her and or hurting her even more she stays safe
in another pillow case.
love this Raggidy old thing and I believe I will keep Pilly forever.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Facebook Rant
Day 19 of Blogtember. Can you believe Monday is the last day? But today... An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.)
As much as I would LOVE TO just go all crazy and talk badly about some people on my friends list I am trying very hard to be a better person and not use social media to bash people.
Here are things I don't like
If you decided to read my stuff and share it what I say with others please respect the fact that IT MY WORDS MY THOUGHT MY FEELINGS. Don't go taking up my words with someone else and getting mad at them!
If you life is crazy drama and you fill my new feed I will most likely delete you. Unless its really juicy then well thanks for the entrainment.
People advertising there things great! Awesome! Perfect! Once is enough! I don't want to see it 10 times through out the day I have other friends I wan to know about.
Don't spy just ask if you think something is up. Simple save yourself time.
Last, don't be an ass and put up ugly pictures of people. Its just mean!
Happy Friday!
As much as I would LOVE TO just go all crazy and talk badly about some people on my friends list I am trying very hard to be a better person and not use social media to bash people.
Here are things I don't like
If you decided to read my stuff and share it what I say with others please respect the fact that IT MY WORDS MY THOUGHT MY FEELINGS. Don't go taking up my words with someone else and getting mad at them!
If you life is crazy drama and you fill my new feed I will most likely delete you. Unless its really juicy then well thanks for the entrainment.
People advertising there things great! Awesome! Perfect! Once is enough! I don't want to see it 10 times through out the day I have other friends I wan to know about.
Don't spy just ask if you think something is up. Simple save yourself time.
Last, don't be an ass and put up ugly pictures of people. Its just mean!
Happy Friday!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Time by the water
So maybe I should have looked at the prompt for today last night. I totally not at a coffee shop. I thought about stopping off at the Starbucks but I was just too tired and had no money for my favorite Passion Fruit Lemonade Sweetened. My all time favorite drink at Starbucks. It was on mind to go there and just do some Journal writing but Home was calling my name.
Let talk about how wonderful this week has been. Its been a shockingly busy week. Over the weekend I really got my butt in Gear for job Hunting and applied to about 50 different places. Monday, My phone was ringing and emails were flowing through. Wednesday, I had an awesome interview with the Children Science Center. Not my dream job but its seasonal and I can hopefully just make enough to pay off that final school bill and be HOLD free from Eastern. Yay work hopefully!
Lastly its been a really nice outside kind of week. I have been doing a lot of park visiting and spending a good amount of time outside. which really makes me happy its nice to have that alone time with nature. Its also fun to spy on the people that are all around. yesterday there was a nice little family there and I creeped around with my camera capture some nice moments.
Its been a really nice week and I look forward to more days like these. I am excited for the fall color to appear. My favorite time to take pictures.
Happy Fall!
![]() |
TBT Good time with my friend Sara. |
Lastly its been a really nice outside kind of week. I have been doing a lot of park visiting and spending a good amount of time outside. which really makes me happy its nice to have that alone time with nature. Its also fun to spy on the people that are all around. yesterday there was a nice little family there and I creeped around with my camera capture some nice moments.
Its been a really nice week and I look forward to more days like these. I am excited for the fall color to appear. My favorite time to take pictures.
Happy Fall!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I've made many
I've mad many many many mistakes
Let's go back to when I was eight and wanted to have something awesome to bring to show and tell.
Every year we have morning doves come in and lay eggs under our deck. I remember I used to come in every day and check on the birds through the crack in the wood. It was one my favorite things to do watch the birds come lay eggs and wait till they hatched. Then watch the little birds grow.
One year I decided I wanted the nest because that was the coolest thing to me. Being little I did not realize I was taking the birds home.
On this day I had been certain there was no birds living in the nest I hadn't seen any activity. No birds, no eggs I was in the clear. So I took a stick and moved the nest out of the shelve it was sitting in. Drop!
My heart stops and I feel this sick ill feeling of sheer pain in my tummy and I regret the whole thing wishing with all my heart I hadn't just done that. It turn out the nest was in fact housing the birds.
All I see is the blue cracked eggs, embryo and little tiny baby birds that were living in the eggs. I had just kill these poor baby birds that had never had a chance. The whole nest of eggs was cracked and gone.
I was so ashamed of myself I felt terrible. "What had I just done?!" I wished so badly that hadn't done it. I felt so selfish, hurt, and just hated myself. I took the nest and ended up hiding it in the trash and ran inside. I sat in the bathroom thinking over the whole thing and just feeling terrible.
I'm eight years old and just can't understand this feeling. I didn't even want to tell my mom cause it was horrible. But I needed some advice and guidance.,I cried to her and told her everything.
She was very sweet and held me close and told me sometimes accidence happen. And it would be okay. She then told me how she too accidentally ran over a nest with the lawn mower. Although thinking back she might have just said it to make me feel better it did. It helped me recover from the guilt I felt.
I love birds more than anything and to this day I still feel the regret and shameful feelings.
Let's go back to when I was eight and wanted to have something awesome to bring to show and tell.
Every year we have morning doves come in and lay eggs under our deck. I remember I used to come in every day and check on the birds through the crack in the wood. It was one my favorite things to do watch the birds come lay eggs and wait till they hatched. Then watch the little birds grow.
One year I decided I wanted the nest because that was the coolest thing to me. Being little I did not realize I was taking the birds home.
On this day I had been certain there was no birds living in the nest I hadn't seen any activity. No birds, no eggs I was in the clear. So I took a stick and moved the nest out of the shelve it was sitting in. Drop!
My heart stops and I feel this sick ill feeling of sheer pain in my tummy and I regret the whole thing wishing with all my heart I hadn't just done that. It turn out the nest was in fact housing the birds.
All I see is the blue cracked eggs, embryo and little tiny baby birds that were living in the eggs. I had just kill these poor baby birds that had never had a chance. The whole nest of eggs was cracked and gone.
I was so ashamed of myself I felt terrible. "What had I just done?!" I wished so badly that hadn't done it. I felt so selfish, hurt, and just hated myself. I took the nest and ended up hiding it in the trash and ran inside. I sat in the bathroom thinking over the whole thing and just feeling terrible.
I'm eight years old and just can't understand this feeling. I didn't even want to tell my mom cause it was horrible. But I needed some advice and guidance.,I cried to her and told her everything.
She was very sweet and held me close and told me sometimes accidence happen. And it would be okay. She then told me how she too accidentally ran over a nest with the lawn mower. Although thinking back she might have just said it to make me feel better it did. It helped me recover from the guilt I felt.
I love birds more than anything and to this day I still feel the regret and shameful feelings.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Lucky One
So I am a bit late on this post. However, I am still going to count it. Just technically means I will post twice tomorrow with is today.
Some of my favorite Books are Nickolas Sparks. I absolutely love this stories. Last Summer I found a First edition copy of THE LUCKY ONE at goodwill for $2! To me it was like the best thing ever to have a first edition even though its not that big of deal I thought it was GREAT!
At first, when the movie came out I thought I'll read the book first then see the movie. However, due to school, I ended up skipping out on the whole things. I like reading books and coming up with my own pictures of the characters and scenery before seeing the movie.
Four months later I am in goodwill with Michael and I stumble on the book. I thought I must get it now its only two bucks! Thinking to myself I probably won't read you just yet. Well I was wrong Two days Later I was glued to the book. I spend about a week reading it. I am a slow reader because I REALLY like to take the whole story in. I like to get caught up and stay there for as long as possible. I swear the story is so much better when you take time to really grasp everything the author is trying to say.
Things I learned from THE Lucky ONE
Take time to really listen to someone and give them the chance to talk. Learning this really hit me hard because I catch myself often not listening as much as I should and trying to help fix them. Sometimes people just need to be heard.
Our everyday life is not bad at all. We shouldn't get mad over the littlest things in life. Example the Waitress forgot your drink. Don't get all Asswhole like. Just be nice and politely reminder her. People are fighting a war right now. Risking there lives everyday for us to sit in that restaurant and have that drink. Be kind.
To love and be honest with people. Be nice and open yourself up.
Maybe take a walk across the states with your nothing but a backpack and your dog.
"She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes
the most ordinary things could be made
simply by doing them with the
right people"
Nicholas Sparks
At first, when the movie came out I thought I'll read the book first then see the movie. However, due to school, I ended up skipping out on the whole things. I like reading books and coming up with my own pictures of the characters and scenery before seeing the movie.
Four months later I am in goodwill with Michael and I stumble on the book. I thought I must get it now its only two bucks! Thinking to myself I probably won't read you just yet. Well I was wrong Two days Later I was glued to the book. I spend about a week reading it. I am a slow reader because I REALLY like to take the whole story in. I like to get caught up and stay there for as long as possible. I swear the story is so much better when you take time to really grasp everything the author is trying to say.
Things I learned from THE Lucky ONE
Take time to really listen to someone and give them the chance to talk. Learning this really hit me hard because I catch myself often not listening as much as I should and trying to help fix them. Sometimes people just need to be heard.
Our everyday life is not bad at all. We shouldn't get mad over the littlest things in life. Example the Waitress forgot your drink. Don't get all Asswhole like. Just be nice and politely reminder her. People are fighting a war right now. Risking there lives everyday for us to sit in that restaurant and have that drink. Be kind.
To love and be honest with people. Be nice and open yourself up.
Maybe take a walk across the states with your nothing but a backpack and your dog.
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