Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Youtube I get it.

As I am writing the title for the post it just occurred to me the meaning well (My) meaning of YOUTUBE. Tube bringing you to may different videos of completely different content. 

Let me beginning to say, I start out with a simple search for a specific video like Jenna Marbles  and somehow 20 videos later, I am watching videos about the tsunami back in 2011 Seriously? Why? Its crazy how I can go from a simple funny video to something so depressing and and unhappy. I don't know why but I just couldn't stop it was like broken up into 5 or 6 different clips.


There are the Awesome lovely F-ing cat videos. I really cannot get enough of those cute little creatures...My heart melts every time. The other night I was checking out a link on a cat video and somehow I am watching a families vlog and learning everything about them and how YouTube contributed to their second child. It was a cute family to watch and learn about. Check them out Devin and Erica. This is the Video that first linked me to them must see!

I just found the History tab in Youtube...Now I can really follow my streaming and how I go from one to another.

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

life after College

For me life after college is no different then being in college.
  •     I still have no job.
  •     No money Because I have no job 
  •     I am still bored in life. 
I am starting to feel going to college for the last 6 years might have been a waste of time. I just don't understand why everywhere wants experience yet I can't get the experience if no one will hired me.
At this point I can't even get an easy High school job.

Jobs like...
Starbucks Seriously, I have applied there like 5 times in the last 6 years. I want to work in a coffee shop I promise I will give you my best work and all of my attention. Waking up at 4 AM no problem. Yet nothing each time.   WHYyyYYYY??

Mandees the clothing store..Well shit they were just mean! All judgy because I had a college Degree and wasn't working in my field of study. Wow really? That interview was terrible!! Now I feel I can never show my face in that store again.

The Children's Science Center...SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL? I liked the idea of working there and everything I would be doing. I would have been a great addition to your company. I love kids. I love science and I can handle grumpy people. Hire me please!

I guess I will end this rant as I could go on FOR-EV-ER! 

I am thinking this will become a weekly post. With weekly updates of where my job search is going. I think many people can relate as this is a common issue.