Saturday, August 31, 2013


The time has come again for yet another challenge
One I feel I will actually follow through with

Instead of blogging EVERYDAY (which  totally failed at)
I think I was able to make 17 out of the 31 days. 

The new Challenge is blogging every day of the week
Weekends off! Thought of by my favorite blogger
Jenni Story of My Life

Join me Monday for start of a great month of blogging as much as I can.
Jenni has come up with some great topic that I am very excited to write about.

Dannielle L)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


For awhile now nothing seems to be anything

Everything seems out of place.

Am I out of place?

Should I be here where I am right now?

It is right anymore is anything right,

Well that would For certain be a NO.

I feel I will always be second when I once was first,

I read things I know I shouldn't

However, my eyes can't help it.

You would be mad.

What is the point?

Most amazing indescribable feelings god can give.

I am not as real.