Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 31

Blogging everyday of May is pretty over. The challenge I am sad to say was not as successful as I thought. However, it has opening my eye more to blogging and my thoughts on writing. I love sharing my thoughts with the internet. I like the release It gives me to put myself out there and let people see me.

Although I may I have failed at blogging EVERYDAY It did get my butt in gear and I feel I have become a better blogger and learned many new topics to talk about. Lastly, I learned how to put my blogg out there for the world to see. I have had the most view this month. It helps that I actually started real continuous work on my blogg too.

Blogging everyday has made me think a lot more about myself and my life. I have many thought I want to share with the world. I take pictures now and think hmmmm I think I might want to share this and see what other might have to say. I am new to the blogging world so blogging everyday of May helped me find more of a voice. I am still working on it but I feel in time I will find it, The spark that really bring who I am out and can connect with other readers.

May has been a very intense month filled with many different emotions and events. Its been a long month but I made it through alive. This was the month I found myself blogging about real topics and putting myself out there, I graduated college and no longer have to stress about school, I turned a whole year older. I went into May as a 23 year old and as of May 8th I turned 24! It was Mothers days and spent a great deal of much needed mommy and daughter time with my mom, Got to see an old friend whom I had not seen in over 6 months, I got an adorable little kitten Stella, I went out for desert, and found myself really trying to move forward in my life. Its time I made good changes. Without school hanging over my head I can start living. Look for a job, and enjoy my summer again for the first time In over two years.

So as this month comes to end a new month begins.


lastly, I will be trying this challenge again and hopefully make all 31 days!

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