Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 15

Yesterday I became a college graduate. Finally!!
Yay I made it!!

 Let me tell you I did not want to walk yesterday. However, I was forced by my mom. She was very persistent on the need to see her little girl graduate. Therefore I attended the ceremony. It was terrible at first because I did not think Michael would make it, due to work. I was very upset and sad. Not to mention I did not really know anyone in my major very well.  Thankful,l for once my nerves were working with me and I approached some girl I did not know who was in my major and for that night we were friends. Then to make it ALL worth it Micheal showed up in the middle. I was able to spot him the second he walked in. I was relieved and excited in that moment.

Now, I must say even though it was long and painful. I am VERY happy I attended the graduation ceremony because I got to see an old teacher and talk to him for a second. I had this man my first year at Eastern. Now I was very new to whole lets take college serious. I took other classes before at a different school EASY classes.

 I took Psychopathology of Childhood. Now, first off this was my first Child psy class and I jumped the gun. It was level 300 which is very advanced in child psy. I kind of forgot I should take the intro classes to child psy first. And to make matter worse I was that kid that didn't go to class as often as I should have. By the end of the semester my grades sucked. No matter how hard I studied I could not pass. On the last day the teacher called my friend and I out and said we suck and need to go to class to pass. That is COLLEGE. I  failed for the first time ever. And I hated him for it.

However, because of him I was determined to go back and do it right. I did not give up. If anything it pushed me to really LEARN and INVEST in studying and ATTEND classes regularly. From that moment on I worked my butt off to improve and continued to take all of is classes.  From thisI learned how to study and I how easy his exam really were. He made everything real life. No multiple choice all writing. I really grew to like to his exams. They were challenging but in an understanding way.

The second time around with him went a lot smoother and I did it right I took the 200 classes first. and by the of end of that semester I loved him as a teacher.  He will forever be the most inspiring teacher I will ever have had the pleasure of learning from. Once I saw him at graduation I knew I had to talk to him. I went over and hugged him told him "It is because of you I was able to pass school., You kicked my ass and got my head straight thank you." He thanked me and said I will take that with me. Talking about it now I could cry because I will miss him most of all.

This post is dedicated to Dr. Danforth. Thank you so much for being the voice I so desperately needed at Eastern. You will never know how much you truly impacted my life and complete changed my outlook on school and my field of study. 

After Graduation!!

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