Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Youtube I get it.
As I am writing the title for the post it just occurred to me the meaning well (My) meaning of YOUTUBE. Tube bringing you to may different videos of completely different content.
Let me beginning to say, I start out with a simple search for a specific video like Jenna Marbles and somehow 20 videos later, I am watching videos about the tsunami back in 2011 Seriously? Why? Its crazy how I can go from a simple funny video to something so depressing and and unhappy. I don't know why but I just couldn't stop it was like broken up into 5 or 6 different clips.
There are the Awesome lovely F-ing cat videos. I really cannot get enough of those cute little creatures...My heart melts every time. The other night I was checking out a link on a cat video and somehow I am watching a families vlog and learning everything about them and how YouTube contributed to their second child. It was a cute family to watch and learn about. Check them out Devin and Erica. This is the Video that first linked me to them must see!
I just found the History tab in Youtube...Now I can really follow my streaming and how I go from one to another.
Happy Tuesday!
Jenna Marbles,
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
life after College
For me life after college is no different then being in college.
At this point I can't even get an easy High school job.
Jobs like...
Starbucks Seriously, I have applied there like 5 times in the last 6 years. I want to work in a coffee shop I promise I will give you my best work and all of my attention. Waking up at 4 AM no problem. Yet nothing each time. WHYyyYYYY??
Mandees the clothing store..Well shit they were just mean! All judgy because I had a college Degree and wasn't working in my field of study. Wow really? That interview was terrible!! Now I feel I can never show my face in that store again.
The Children's Science Center...SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL? I liked the idea of working there and everything I would be doing. I would have been a great addition to your company. I love kids. I love science and I can handle grumpy people. Hire me please!
I guess I will end this rant as I could go on FOR-EV-ER!
I am thinking this will become a weekly post. With weekly updates of where my job search is going. I think many people can relate as this is a common issue.
- I still have no job.
- No money Because I have no job
- I am still bored in life.
At this point I can't even get an easy High school job.
Jobs like...
Starbucks Seriously, I have applied there like 5 times in the last 6 years. I want to work in a coffee shop I promise I will give you my best work and all of my attention. Waking up at 4 AM no problem. Yet nothing each time. WHYyyYYYY??
Mandees the clothing store..Well shit they were just mean! All judgy because I had a college Degree and wasn't working in my field of study. Wow really? That interview was terrible!! Now I feel I can never show my face in that store again.
The Children's Science Center...SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL? I liked the idea of working there and everything I would be doing. I would have been a great addition to your company. I love kids. I love science and I can handle grumpy people. Hire me please!
I guess I will end this rant as I could go on FOR-EV-ER!
I am thinking this will become a weekly post. With weekly updates of where my job search is going. I think many people can relate as this is a common issue.
job search,
Monday, September 30, 2013
Last Day! A
photo of something old. Maybe something that has personal history for
you, that was passed down to you, and that has special meaning to you.
Tell us about it and why it's special.
I am pleased to announce I completed this challenge and although some where after midnight I still got a post out everyday of the week :) I am actually Sad to see this challenge end I really enjoyed each day writing and posting. I have come up with some new ideas to keep me writing so hopefully I can get this thing up and kicking on its own.
I am pleased to announce I completed this challenge and although some where after midnight I still got a post out everyday of the week :) I am actually Sad to see this challenge end I really enjoyed each day writing and posting. I have come up with some new ideas to keep me writing so hopefully I can get this thing up and kicking on its own.
is my childhood Pillow Case also known as Pilly. As you can see this thing is
OLD A little Dirty. See I was a thumb sucker For a long, Long, LONG, time and
therefore to help sooth my thumb sucking I had to have a soft texture to
rub against my face and or hands. I used to have a big old bed sheet that did
the trick. However, my mom thought it would be a great idea to cut her up into squares.
She was afraid I would choke. Therefore as she was split up and I took her
everything I ended up losing her somewhere. It was very sad.
after the loss I needed something new to help me sleep. Thus came Pilly the
pillow/case. I had the same pillow and the same case for over ten years! This
thing used to be white with flowers. Yeah, this is what time does/traveling.
Pilly has gone everywhere with me. Sleepovers, CA, FL, Vermont. To the ONE Boy friend’s
house, and even to college.
travels have really taking a hit on her. It’s very sad. One night she got a
very large Rip it was horrible still remember the sound. Then in an attempt to
De-wrinkle her I ironed her. That was the worst Choice ever. I burned her really
bad I cried for an hour.
do to intense anxiety of losing her and or hurting her even more she stays safe
in another pillow case.
love this Raggidy old thing and I believe I will keep Pilly forever.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Facebook Rant
Day 19 of Blogtember. Can you believe Monday is the last day? But today... An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.)
As much as I would LOVE TO just go all crazy and talk badly about some people on my friends list I am trying very hard to be a better person and not use social media to bash people.
Here are things I don't like
If you decided to read my stuff and share it what I say with others please respect the fact that IT MY WORDS MY THOUGHT MY FEELINGS. Don't go taking up my words with someone else and getting mad at them!
If you life is crazy drama and you fill my new feed I will most likely delete you. Unless its really juicy then well thanks for the entrainment.
People advertising there things great! Awesome! Perfect! Once is enough! I don't want to see it 10 times through out the day I have other friends I wan to know about.
Don't spy just ask if you think something is up. Simple save yourself time.
Last, don't be an ass and put up ugly pictures of people. Its just mean!
Happy Friday!
As much as I would LOVE TO just go all crazy and talk badly about some people on my friends list I am trying very hard to be a better person and not use social media to bash people.
Here are things I don't like
If you decided to read my stuff and share it what I say with others please respect the fact that IT MY WORDS MY THOUGHT MY FEELINGS. Don't go taking up my words with someone else and getting mad at them!
If you life is crazy drama and you fill my new feed I will most likely delete you. Unless its really juicy then well thanks for the entrainment.
People advertising there things great! Awesome! Perfect! Once is enough! I don't want to see it 10 times through out the day I have other friends I wan to know about.
Don't spy just ask if you think something is up. Simple save yourself time.
Last, don't be an ass and put up ugly pictures of people. Its just mean!
Happy Friday!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Time by the water
So maybe I should have looked at the prompt for today last night. I totally not at a coffee shop. I thought about stopping off at the Starbucks but I was just too tired and had no money for my favorite Passion Fruit Lemonade Sweetened. My all time favorite drink at Starbucks. It was on mind to go there and just do some Journal writing but Home was calling my name.
Let talk about how wonderful this week has been. Its been a shockingly busy week. Over the weekend I really got my butt in Gear for job Hunting and applied to about 50 different places. Monday, My phone was ringing and emails were flowing through. Wednesday, I had an awesome interview with the Children Science Center. Not my dream job but its seasonal and I can hopefully just make enough to pay off that final school bill and be HOLD free from Eastern. Yay work hopefully!
Lastly its been a really nice outside kind of week. I have been doing a lot of park visiting and spending a good amount of time outside. which really makes me happy its nice to have that alone time with nature. Its also fun to spy on the people that are all around. yesterday there was a nice little family there and I creeped around with my camera capture some nice moments.
Its been a really nice week and I look forward to more days like these. I am excited for the fall color to appear. My favorite time to take pictures.
Happy Fall!
![]() |
TBT Good time with my friend Sara. |
Lastly its been a really nice outside kind of week. I have been doing a lot of park visiting and spending a good amount of time outside. which really makes me happy its nice to have that alone time with nature. Its also fun to spy on the people that are all around. yesterday there was a nice little family there and I creeped around with my camera capture some nice moments.
Its been a really nice week and I look forward to more days like these. I am excited for the fall color to appear. My favorite time to take pictures.
Happy Fall!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
I've made many
I've mad many many many mistakes
Let's go back to when I was eight and wanted to have something awesome to bring to show and tell.
Every year we have morning doves come in and lay eggs under our deck. I remember I used to come in every day and check on the birds through the crack in the wood. It was one my favorite things to do watch the birds come lay eggs and wait till they hatched. Then watch the little birds grow.
One year I decided I wanted the nest because that was the coolest thing to me. Being little I did not realize I was taking the birds home.
On this day I had been certain there was no birds living in the nest I hadn't seen any activity. No birds, no eggs I was in the clear. So I took a stick and moved the nest out of the shelve it was sitting in. Drop!
My heart stops and I feel this sick ill feeling of sheer pain in my tummy and I regret the whole thing wishing with all my heart I hadn't just done that. It turn out the nest was in fact housing the birds.
All I see is the blue cracked eggs, embryo and little tiny baby birds that were living in the eggs. I had just kill these poor baby birds that had never had a chance. The whole nest of eggs was cracked and gone.
I was so ashamed of myself I felt terrible. "What had I just done?!" I wished so badly that hadn't done it. I felt so selfish, hurt, and just hated myself. I took the nest and ended up hiding it in the trash and ran inside. I sat in the bathroom thinking over the whole thing and just feeling terrible.
I'm eight years old and just can't understand this feeling. I didn't even want to tell my mom cause it was horrible. But I needed some advice and guidance.,I cried to her and told her everything.
She was very sweet and held me close and told me sometimes accidence happen. And it would be okay. She then told me how she too accidentally ran over a nest with the lawn mower. Although thinking back she might have just said it to make me feel better it did. It helped me recover from the guilt I felt.
I love birds more than anything and to this day I still feel the regret and shameful feelings.
Let's go back to when I was eight and wanted to have something awesome to bring to show and tell.
Every year we have morning doves come in and lay eggs under our deck. I remember I used to come in every day and check on the birds through the crack in the wood. It was one my favorite things to do watch the birds come lay eggs and wait till they hatched. Then watch the little birds grow.
One year I decided I wanted the nest because that was the coolest thing to me. Being little I did not realize I was taking the birds home.
On this day I had been certain there was no birds living in the nest I hadn't seen any activity. No birds, no eggs I was in the clear. So I took a stick and moved the nest out of the shelve it was sitting in. Drop!
My heart stops and I feel this sick ill feeling of sheer pain in my tummy and I regret the whole thing wishing with all my heart I hadn't just done that. It turn out the nest was in fact housing the birds.
All I see is the blue cracked eggs, embryo and little tiny baby birds that were living in the eggs. I had just kill these poor baby birds that had never had a chance. The whole nest of eggs was cracked and gone.
I was so ashamed of myself I felt terrible. "What had I just done?!" I wished so badly that hadn't done it. I felt so selfish, hurt, and just hated myself. I took the nest and ended up hiding it in the trash and ran inside. I sat in the bathroom thinking over the whole thing and just feeling terrible.
I'm eight years old and just can't understand this feeling. I didn't even want to tell my mom cause it was horrible. But I needed some advice and guidance.,I cried to her and told her everything.
She was very sweet and held me close and told me sometimes accidence happen. And it would be okay. She then told me how she too accidentally ran over a nest with the lawn mower. Although thinking back she might have just said it to make me feel better it did. It helped me recover from the guilt I felt.
I love birds more than anything and to this day I still feel the regret and shameful feelings.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Lucky One
So I am a bit late on this post. However, I am still going to count it. Just technically means I will post twice tomorrow with is today.
Some of my favorite Books are Nickolas Sparks. I absolutely love this stories. Last Summer I found a First edition copy of THE LUCKY ONE at goodwill for $2! To me it was like the best thing ever to have a first edition even though its not that big of deal I thought it was GREAT!
At first, when the movie came out I thought I'll read the book first then see the movie. However, due to school, I ended up skipping out on the whole things. I like reading books and coming up with my own pictures of the characters and scenery before seeing the movie.
Four months later I am in goodwill with Michael and I stumble on the book. I thought I must get it now its only two bucks! Thinking to myself I probably won't read you just yet. Well I was wrong Two days Later I was glued to the book. I spend about a week reading it. I am a slow reader because I REALLY like to take the whole story in. I like to get caught up and stay there for as long as possible. I swear the story is so much better when you take time to really grasp everything the author is trying to say.
Things I learned from THE Lucky ONE
Take time to really listen to someone and give them the chance to talk. Learning this really hit me hard because I catch myself often not listening as much as I should and trying to help fix them. Sometimes people just need to be heard.
Our everyday life is not bad at all. We shouldn't get mad over the littlest things in life. Example the Waitress forgot your drink. Don't get all Asswhole like. Just be nice and politely reminder her. People are fighting a war right now. Risking there lives everyday for us to sit in that restaurant and have that drink. Be kind.
To love and be honest with people. Be nice and open yourself up.
Maybe take a walk across the states with your nothing but a backpack and your dog.
"She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes
the most ordinary things could be made
simply by doing them with the
right people"
Nicholas Sparks
At first, when the movie came out I thought I'll read the book first then see the movie. However, due to school, I ended up skipping out on the whole things. I like reading books and coming up with my own pictures of the characters and scenery before seeing the movie.
Four months later I am in goodwill with Michael and I stumble on the book. I thought I must get it now its only two bucks! Thinking to myself I probably won't read you just yet. Well I was wrong Two days Later I was glued to the book. I spend about a week reading it. I am a slow reader because I REALLY like to take the whole story in. I like to get caught up and stay there for as long as possible. I swear the story is so much better when you take time to really grasp everything the author is trying to say.
Things I learned from THE Lucky ONE
Take time to really listen to someone and give them the chance to talk. Learning this really hit me hard because I catch myself often not listening as much as I should and trying to help fix them. Sometimes people just need to be heard.
Our everyday life is not bad at all. We shouldn't get mad over the littlest things in life. Example the Waitress forgot your drink. Don't get all Asswhole like. Just be nice and politely reminder her. People are fighting a war right now. Risking there lives everyday for us to sit in that restaurant and have that drink. Be kind.
To love and be honest with people. Be nice and open yourself up.
Maybe take a walk across the states with your nothing but a backpack and your dog.
Monday, September 23, 2013
My Life At the Moment
September 23: A "life lately"
Its been a long unemployed summer...Now that fall has started I am trying my best to get my head on straight again. I realize I have nothing holding me back from getting employed so I am focusing most of my energy on finding work instead of being lazy and doing nothing with my days.
Its been a pretty difficult time for me and there is a lot going around me that I am trying process and most of all accept. Its overwhelming but I try to keep myself positive and think outside of the difficult part and see the good. Life is all about changes and accepting things you have no control over. I have to break these routines because routines can sometimes hold you back. As I feeling right now. My comfort and routine isn't giving me the best quality life has to offer.
I have learned over the years that I HATE change. I have the most Difficult time understand and accepting it. For example, I still can't accept changes from 5 years ago. I know I need to get out that mindset and I feel like right now I am seeing the bigger pictures. Although, I want everything to stay the same that isn't how life works.
I am learning and accepting in order to LIVE a life and have an ACTIVE part I have to take on change. This will help me get to the happy place I want to be. This will help me reach the goals I set out in reality CHECK.
The storm is coming and I am ready.
Its been a long unemployed summer...Now that fall has started I am trying my best to get my head on straight again. I realize I have nothing holding me back from getting employed so I am focusing most of my energy on finding work instead of being lazy and doing nothing with my days.
Its been a pretty difficult time for me and there is a lot going around me that I am trying process and most of all accept. Its overwhelming but I try to keep myself positive and think outside of the difficult part and see the good. Life is all about changes and accepting things you have no control over. I have to break these routines because routines can sometimes hold you back. As I feeling right now. My comfort and routine isn't giving me the best quality life has to offer.
I have learned over the years that I HATE change. I have the most Difficult time understand and accepting it. For example, I still can't accept changes from 5 years ago. I know I need to get out that mindset and I feel like right now I am seeing the bigger pictures. Although, I want everything to stay the same that isn't how life works.
I am learning and accepting in order to LIVE a life and have an ACTIVE part I have to take on change. This will help me get to the happy place I want to be. This will help me reach the goals I set out in reality CHECK.
The storm is coming and I am ready.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Blogtember prompt: React to this term: comfort.
Its funny because I didn't really know comfort until collage came. I convinced myself I had to live there each year and each year I would go home every chance I got. I love being home and it doesn't matter that I might have missed out because I was home. Home is where I felt happy I felt like myself. I felt peace in being home. It took my four years to realize this but it finally came to me in my last year at school. That last year I gave up the fight and just accepted myself for who I really was. Home is where I can be my truest self.
To me comfort is sleeping in my bed. Mornings with a warm glass of extra chocolate milk. Watching movies and cuddling with my kitties. Comfort is watching movies with Michael. Picking him up in the middle of night knowing tomorrow morning he will be there.
I love being uncomfortable because then I can really appreciate the me time I am about to have. I love not being home aay long knowing my bed awaits me. I love working non-stop knowing tomorrow I get to rest. I love knowing when I get home I will be greeted my kitties and be given extra love. I'm okay with the discomfort I experience when Michael is gone and missing him because We both love the relief the breath of fresh air we feel when we finally are together. It is the most incredible feeling when we are together after so much space. That feeling of being whole again is comforting. I could write forever on my comfort. Here is I a little list.
Chocolate Milk
Its funny because I didn't really know comfort until collage came. I convinced myself I had to live there each year and each year I would go home every chance I got. I love being home and it doesn't matter that I might have missed out because I was home. Home is where I felt happy I felt like myself. I felt peace in being home. It took my four years to realize this but it finally came to me in my last year at school. That last year I gave up the fight and just accepted myself for who I really was. Home is where I can be my truest self.
To me comfort is sleeping in my bed. Mornings with a warm glass of extra chocolate milk. Watching movies and cuddling with my kitties. Comfort is watching movies with Michael. Picking him up in the middle of night knowing tomorrow morning he will be there.
I love being uncomfortable because then I can really appreciate the me time I am about to have. I love not being home aay long knowing my bed awaits me. I love working non-stop knowing tomorrow I get to rest. I love knowing when I get home I will be greeted my kitties and be given extra love. I'm okay with the discomfort I experience when Michael is gone and missing him because We both love the relief the breath of fresh air we feel when we finally are together. It is the most incredible feeling when we are together after so much space. That feeling of being whole again is comforting. I could write forever on my comfort. Here is I a little list.
Chocolate Milk
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Notice Me Before
Blogtember Day 12 - Creative writing day: write a (very short) fictional story that starts with this sentence: "To say I was dreading the dinner party would be the understatement of the century."
To say I was dreading the dinner would be an understatement of the century. I knew it was silly of me to say "yes." I didn't mean to. It just sort of came shooting out my mouth. I knew I had nothing to wear. I knew I hardly knew anyone there. I knew I would stand out like a sore thumb. However, I knew he would be there and this would be my last chance to see him before the thing. The thing I hadn't yet accepted. I wanted to be there just in-case tonight was the night maybe luck would be on my side.
As I looked in the mirror I saw my reflection. I hardly even noticed my self. A small women staring back. I took the mind of someone else. What a short women she was. Wearing a black dress hugging her body so tightly you could see her hips and rib bones. Such a tiny person she was. Clearly she was caking her make-up to hid something. With breast the perfect size to be noticed. Her hair, well clearly she did it her self the curls are hardly staying. Poor darling girl.
I looked to the clock five more minutes and the car would be here. One last look in the mirror I try to force some confidence try to find something perfect. This had become too difficult. I had come to resent my favorite feature because of the thing. The thing I hadn't accepted. "I guess my eyes are looking great tonight...Now Put on the Smile and go to the door the car is here" A sickening feeling over came. I had been dreading this night for so long. Tonight was my last night. Running down stairs I felt the Vomit. "Pull yourself together." Deep breath with a slap to the face. " I need this tonight." I open the door and walk to the car.
"Maybe tonight he will notice me. Maybe tonight he will see me
Hopefully he will notice me
Hopefully he will see me
Before....the Mastectomy'
Hoping this is the correct link |
To say I was dreading the dinner would be an understatement of the century. I knew it was silly of me to say "yes." I didn't mean to. It just sort of came shooting out my mouth. I knew I had nothing to wear. I knew I hardly knew anyone there. I knew I would stand out like a sore thumb. However, I knew he would be there and this would be my last chance to see him before the thing. The thing I hadn't yet accepted. I wanted to be there just in-case tonight was the night maybe luck would be on my side.
As I looked in the mirror I saw my reflection. I hardly even noticed my self. A small women staring back. I took the mind of someone else. What a short women she was. Wearing a black dress hugging her body so tightly you could see her hips and rib bones. Such a tiny person she was. Clearly she was caking her make-up to hid something. With breast the perfect size to be noticed. Her hair, well clearly she did it her self the curls are hardly staying. Poor darling girl.
I looked to the clock five more minutes and the car would be here. One last look in the mirror I try to force some confidence try to find something perfect. This had become too difficult. I had come to resent my favorite feature because of the thing. The thing I hadn't accepted. "I guess my eyes are looking great tonight...Now Put on the Smile and go to the door the car is here" A sickening feeling over came. I had been dreading this night for so long. Tonight was my last night. Running down stairs I felt the Vomit. "Pull yourself together." Deep breath with a slap to the face. " I need this tonight." I open the door and walk to the car.
"Maybe tonight he will notice me. Maybe tonight he will see me
Hopefully he will notice me
Hopefully he will see me
Before....the Mastectomy'
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Adventures of the Summer
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A Memory
September 17: A memory you would love to relive
I remember this day like it was yesterday March 2009
I remember this day like it was yesterday March 2009
It was a day filled with love
The weather was warm yet cool.
You held me close
We smile and walked the beach
Cartwheels and Sea shells
The closer we were the better
You kept me warm and safe
On this day we fell in love all over again.
It was spring break so we decided to adventure out the the beach. It was my first beach trip with Michael. I remember the drive there. We held hands to tightly as if we would die if one of us let go. I was driving and admiring our hands. I felt the warmed in his embraced the intensity in our connection and love. It was a day to fall in love all over again.
These moments I miss deeply and can now only dream off. I love how this became a yearly trip in our time together. I miss all the little moments we shared with smile and kisses.
I would relive driving to school with Marvin and Pizza Pop breaks between class.
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you
Marvin Gay
Monday, September 16, 2013
Mystery Man
A letter...
Dear Mystery Man,
The day we met was the day my life changed. I didn't realize all the mistakes I was making that day would lead me right into your vision. I did not know you were there waiting for me. I did not know your name.
It was a weird encounter because I was releasing my fears so easily. Before, you I would never encounter a man that way. I would not even attempt to talk to them or look at them or even allow myself to entertain the thought of their being. However, on that Monday morning I allowed my brain to entertain the thought of you. I even allowed myself to speak. Speak words of jibber that made no sense. But I spoke to you. I looked into your eyes and you looked into mine. I smiled, you smiled back. I guessed all the wrong names but you still laughed.
Finally I asked "Do you have a girlfriend? DO you want one? Facebook?" We walked away. I was embarrassed.
After a week of still wondering who you were once again in all the wrong places at the wrong time our paths crossed once more. "Mystery Man you must have a name" You smile and asked for a paper and pen. You were no longer a Mystery. You were a friend.
You gave me something I never thought I was worthy of. You gave me Emotions and feelings. You gave me love and life.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for your time. Thank you for the love you give.
Harry Potter, Late night pick ups, Diner, Kitties, Walks, hugs, kisses, Hands,
Otter Love.
Dear Mystery Man,
The day we met was the day my life changed. I didn't realize all the mistakes I was making that day would lead me right into your vision. I did not know you were there waiting for me. I did not know your name.
It was a weird encounter because I was releasing my fears so easily. Before, you I would never encounter a man that way. I would not even attempt to talk to them or look at them or even allow myself to entertain the thought of their being. However, on that Monday morning I allowed my brain to entertain the thought of you. I even allowed myself to speak. Speak words of jibber that made no sense. But I spoke to you. I looked into your eyes and you looked into mine. I smiled, you smiled back. I guessed all the wrong names but you still laughed.
Finally I asked "Do you have a girlfriend? DO you want one? Facebook?" We walked away. I was embarrassed.
After a week of still wondering who you were once again in all the wrong places at the wrong time our paths crossed once more. "Mystery Man you must have a name" You smile and asked for a paper and pen. You were no longer a Mystery. You were a friend.
You gave me something I never thought I was worthy of. You gave me Emotions and feelings. You gave me love and life.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for your time. Thank you for the love you give.
Harry Potter, Late night pick ups, Diner, Kitties, Walks, hugs, kisses, Hands,
Otter Love.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Emotional photo
I just can't decided how to do this. Should I take a quick picture right now or Should I just pick one already taken. I do however, know I need to get a real camera!! I used to have a simple Digital Camera but its not on me right now. I want a pretty nice new one with all the cool fancy features. I cannot wait to have a job so I can finally buy a new pretty camera and take a million and one pictures.
I decided to take a picture from the past. I picked this one because its one of the last extremely happy peaceful and emotional photos I have taken. This was a particularly good time in my life where everything made sense and I was happy with myself and with my life. I had confidence in myself and in everything I was pursing in life. Most of all my heart was happy and in a perfect place.
I wanted a good happy picture of me where I am my truest self. I see this photo and see me without the secrets and sadness hidden deep in my eyes.
This picture is peace, new beginnings, love, and pure joy for the life I am living.
Happy Friday the 13th
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Changing through Blogging.
September 12: Discuss ways that blogging or social media has changed you.
As of right now the personal changed have been minimal. This is probably do to that fact that I have only just started blogging this year. I am still learning everything their is to blogging and how social media can effect the way I blog.
I always wanted to write and share my thoughts. I remember a few years back I wanted to blog but I had no idea where to start or even how to get followers. At the time I just kind of put blogging on the back burner. Until, this year, I just felt my mind was going into over load. I had all these ideas, thoughts, and feelings that need a place. I felt writing them down in my journal wasn't good enough I needed them to be seen by others.
In January I started to search for blogs that I found interested to get an idea of how I should write and present this blog. I remember going through a few dozen blogs and none of them really grabbed my attention. I wasn't feeling inspired. Somehow, through many blog add-ons I came across Jenni's blog Story of My Life. I seriously became obsessed with her story. It also helped that I was immediately sent to her love story portion of her blog. I spent weeks reading through her blog and from there I was inspired to write and get my voice out there. For me her blog was most relatable . I felt a very deep connection with her writing and Jenni.
Originally this blog was going to be about my over-active imagination in comparison to my real life. Hence the Fantasy part of my blog. I do believe in time I will eventually go into more detail but for now I am just working on on finding my voice. I thought back in may I had found my style of writing but I think that was just the beginning. Plus after May I kind of took a long step back from blogging. This is something I need focus on because I do care about blogging and sharing my thoughts. I just have to get in the habit of writing here instead o f in my journal.
I love the monthly challenges because they help me to focus and come up with good topics to talk about. They keep me grounded and forced to write. I love that this challenge comes with a share button. I can feel a change in my writing I am becoming more a where of what I want to write and how I should write. I see myself really investing my time in each post and trying very hard not to rush this. Rushed post make for a difficult read. Where as allowing myself time to process I can allow myself to come up with some good writing.
Lastly I will admit the biggest change is I am slowly getting over my fear of allowing my facebook friends to read my post. I know the only way to be seen is to share. I feel I am gaining confidence in my writing and learning its not a crime if people you know and see your writing.
For now this is all I will share. I think one the one year mark I will come back to the topic and write again. I hope to see More Positive changes in myself.
As of right now the personal changed have been minimal. This is probably do to that fact that I have only just started blogging this year. I am still learning everything their is to blogging and how social media can effect the way I blog.
I always wanted to write and share my thoughts. I remember a few years back I wanted to blog but I had no idea where to start or even how to get followers. At the time I just kind of put blogging on the back burner. Until, this year, I just felt my mind was going into over load. I had all these ideas, thoughts, and feelings that need a place. I felt writing them down in my journal wasn't good enough I needed them to be seen by others.
In January I started to search for blogs that I found interested to get an idea of how I should write and present this blog. I remember going through a few dozen blogs and none of them really grabbed my attention. I wasn't feeling inspired. Somehow, through many blog add-ons I came across Jenni's blog Story of My Life. I seriously became obsessed with her story. It also helped that I was immediately sent to her love story portion of her blog. I spent weeks reading through her blog and from there I was inspired to write and get my voice out there. For me her blog was most relatable . I felt a very deep connection with her writing and Jenni.
Originally this blog was going to be about my over-active imagination in comparison to my real life. Hence the Fantasy part of my blog. I do believe in time I will eventually go into more detail but for now I am just working on on finding my voice. I thought back in may I had found my style of writing but I think that was just the beginning. Plus after May I kind of took a long step back from blogging. This is something I need focus on because I do care about blogging and sharing my thoughts. I just have to get in the habit of writing here instead o f in my journal.
I love the monthly challenges because they help me to focus and come up with good topics to talk about. They keep me grounded and forced to write. I love that this challenge comes with a share button. I can feel a change in my writing I am becoming more a where of what I want to write and how I should write. I see myself really investing my time in each post and trying very hard not to rush this. Rushed post make for a difficult read. Where as allowing myself time to process I can allow myself to come up with some good writing.
Lastly I will admit the biggest change is I am slowly getting over my fear of allowing my facebook friends to read my post. I know the only way to be seen is to share. I feel I am gaining confidence in my writing and learning its not a crime if people you know and see your writing.
For now this is all I will share. I think one the one year mark I will come back to the topic and write again. I hope to see More Positive changes in myself.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Kitty Armor!
Share links to your favorite online shops, preferably with a few photos of your favorite items in each shop.
I am going to share only one online shop. Called Kitty Armor all fashion and designs are by Rachel. She knits, sews, and create all her own cloths, hats, and dresses. She even does custom orders. Her latest designs are making her own Lolita dresses, skirts, and giant bows! Rachel is now to the fashion world and is trying to get her bran out there to the public. This past summer we attended Connecticon a convention in which we were able to really lunch Kitty Armor out to the world. So check out this awesome Fashion designer and like her page. Maybe she create something just for you!
Facebook Instagram Twitter

I am going to share only one online shop. Called Kitty Armor all fashion and designs are by Rachel. She knits, sews, and create all her own cloths, hats, and dresses. She even does custom orders. Her latest designs are making her own Lolita dresses, skirts, and giant bows! Rachel is now to the fashion world and is trying to get her bran out there to the public. This past summer we attended Connecticon a convention in which we were able to really lunch Kitty Armor out to the world. So check out this awesome Fashion designer and like her page. Maybe she create something just for you!
Facebook Instagram Twitter

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Reality check Grow up
Tuesday, September 10: Describe a distinct moment when your life took a turn.
Right now my life is at a crossroads. This year I graduated from college thinking things would get easier. I thought I would have a job/real life by now. Yeah, that didn't happen. I basically spent my summer relaxing trying to figure out who I am and where I want to be in my life. I applied to a few places and have had no luck. For a while I just kind of gave up.
Labor day weekend was kind MY reality check. Seriously, what the fuck am I doing with MY life? We found out my boyfriend's brother is having a baby with his fiance. WOW new flash! They are even getting married.
Well, here is a little known fact about me. I have always wanted a little family of my own. I wanted the married life young. I wanted to be married and in the process of having a kid by the time I was 24. Today I am 24, and NOWHERE near ready for that kind of a commitment. Even after 5 years. Eventually but right now our lives are not even close to being ready.
It was like a punch in the heart. I am going to be honest, I pretty much went home and cried the whole night....I just felt so sad because I looked at my life and realized I really have nothing going for myself. I have no job, No money, and no real foundation.
I decided right after hearing the news I need to get my life together. I need to be the mature 24 year old women I thought I would be. I realized I need to grow up and figure out my life. I can't get what I want by siting on my ass living through the eyes of others. I need to create my life. I need to make it a good one worth sharing.
Today, I end this post with my three goals this year, and for the coming years.
Get a job. At this point any job will do! I need money!!
Its a dream I have decided to attempt. Get into an acting class.
Have a family of my own.
I have many dreams and goals I want to achieve and this post is just the start of my beginning.
Right now my life is at a crossroads. This year I graduated from college thinking things would get easier. I thought I would have a job/real life by now. Yeah, that didn't happen. I basically spent my summer relaxing trying to figure out who I am and where I want to be in my life. I applied to a few places and have had no luck. For a while I just kind of gave up.
Labor day weekend was kind MY reality check. Seriously, what the fuck am I doing with MY life? We found out my boyfriend's brother is having a baby with his fiance. WOW new flash! They are even getting married.
Well, here is a little known fact about me. I have always wanted a little family of my own. I wanted the married life young. I wanted to be married and in the process of having a kid by the time I was 24. Today I am 24, and NOWHERE near ready for that kind of a commitment. Even after 5 years. Eventually but right now our lives are not even close to being ready.
It was like a punch in the heart. I am going to be honest, I pretty much went home and cried the whole night....I just felt so sad because I looked at my life and realized I really have nothing going for myself. I have no job, No money, and no real foundation.
I decided right after hearing the news I need to get my life together. I need to be the mature 24 year old women I thought I would be. I realized I need to grow up and figure out my life. I can't get what I want by siting on my ass living through the eyes of others. I need to create my life. I need to make it a good one worth sharing.
Today, I end this post with my three goals this year, and for the coming years.
Get a job. At this point any job will do! I need money!!
Its a dream I have decided to attempt. Get into an acting class.
Have a family of my own.
I have many dreams and goals I want to achieve and this post is just the start of my beginning.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Introverted. Intuition. Feeling. Judging.
Monday, September 9: Take this
short personality test and respond to your results.
"INFJs- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power."
I care about others first and me last. I try to put my heart and soul into everything.
After reading over the definition of INFJ I can't help but laugh at how true these results are.
"Rescuing those who are in acute distress." If you are locked out I will come to in the middle of the night. Trapped in Boston at 1 in the morning. Don't worry I don't need sleep for tomorrows events... Yes I will drive an hour and 20 minutes to save you from sleeping on a bench. Side note (My bf was visiting his sister. He came back with me thankfully for the drive home. Maybe a little bit of personal gain :)
"INFJs- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power."
I care about others first and me last. I try to put my heart and soul into everything.
After reading over the definition of INFJ I can't help but laugh at how true these results are.
"Rescuing those who are in acute distress." If you are locked out I will come to in the middle of the night. Trapped in Boston at 1 in the morning. Don't worry I don't need sleep for tomorrows events... Yes I will drive an hour and 20 minutes to save you from sleeping on a bench. Side note (My bf was visiting his sister. He came back with me thankfully for the drive home. Maybe a little bit of personal gain :)
"Accurately suspicious about others' motives," and Selective with my friends. Its weird and true in every interaction I have with people I meet. Particularly men I find myself questioning their behavior and motives. I can honestly say I have few friends with a smile on my face. I do not need 100 friends to be happy. I stick to a small deeply connected group of friends. I have always had difficultly in making and forming relationships with people. I am a bit guarded. When I meet a person and we click right away I try top hold onto that friendship. This tweet from Chelsea Kane pretty much defines my way of friendships. "Friendship is weird. You pick a human you've met and you're like, "Yep, I like this one" and you just do stuff with them."
I must say these results are pretty accurate. Although, I hate to admit I am judging, the results seems to fit.
I found it most fascinating when INFJs are outgoing and take genuine interest in other it can be mistaken for extroverts. I for one really care about others. I love knowing what is happening with friends and family and try my best to be supportive. I do agree that although I love to stay up to date with people I am very selective with whom I share my own deepest thoughts and emotions. I find at time I do hide from other my inner feelings and only in times of great need do I confide in that one person.
Lastly, I do find myself shutting down occasionally from the outside world. I reach this point typically once a week where I need a night or even a day to myself where I shut down and pretty much ignore my surroundings. Its a really interesting state I reach. I feel after much socializing my brain just needs a chance to relax this is typically when I turn to blogging or writing. Sometimes I just need to rebuild.
I really enjoyed this topic and researching the truth behind my behavior, actions, and thoughts.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Yellow Lights and Motorcyles
Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid
Summer of 2011 I was going through a difficult time. I was babysitting 35 hours a week long days, 8AM-7PM for a family of 5 kids 2 of them were teenage girls. While, also attending summer classes 2 days a week 12PM-4PM. The only day of rest Sunday. I seriously wanted to die by the end of the summer. To make matter worse my bf and I broke up during this time. Summer 2011 was one of the depressing times of my life. It was hell trying to get through each day and having to deal with children just made for a very cranky sad Dannielle. I would come home at night sad and annoyed at everything and everyone.
Friday July 2, 2011
The day from hell. It was the end of the week and all I wanted to go was home. On this particular day I was driving everywhere. To add stress to equation I had a mountain of Laundry to do for the family. Oh and did I mention one of the teens and I were having a terrible day together. Its 6:30PM and I had A HALF hour left. Then I was free for 10 hours before I had to be back the next morning. Before my temporary release I had to drive the 2 younger kids to a sleep over. I forced the older sister to come with me because she was my friend and I needed to vent.
After dropping the two little ones off we are driving home and we are ALMOST THERE!!!! TWO MILES AWAY FROM HOME!!!
WAMMM! CRASH! BANG! We get into a car accident!!! I will never forget that day. I was driving the family's car with the oldest daughter and we hit Not a car but a MAN on A Motor cycle!! Mother Hell to the Lord. Really?!?! I have never in my whole life been so afraid. We were okay and shockingly so was the car. I felt terrible and at that moment convinced I had just killed a man!
Thankfully I did not, he was badly banged up though. It turned out we were both at fault. A witness said it looked like he hit me. Bikes don't break well and he had to have been speeding because I did not see him over the hill before the light. But, I was still at some fault because I failed to yield at a yellow light. It was an unfamiliar intersection I did not realize how the lights worked. I guess a lot of accident happen there. To be honest it should not be a two way stop light.
Seriously have never been more afraid in my whole life. I thought I killed a man and would be going to jail. Now, given the situation the worst part was calling my mom and telling her what happen. I had been really brave mainly in shock and had not cried once! Until it was time to call mom. I still remember the feeling of utter dread trying to say the words "I got into an accident." I could feel my emotions catching up and knew the water works were coming...
A time I was afraid....
On a lighter note due to my lack of money flow I had NOT renewed my License at the time so the very nice cop had to drive the car to remove it from traffic. I had to sit in back and wait for someone with a license to get the car. So embarrassing!!!
Things I learned
No you will not go to jail.
Yes you need to have an update license
Check double check and triple CHECK all intersection before turning left
If you Do ride a Motorcycle Please be cool and wear a helmet!!!!!
Summer of 2011 I was going through a difficult time. I was babysitting 35 hours a week long days, 8AM-7PM for a family of 5 kids 2 of them were teenage girls. While, also attending summer classes 2 days a week 12PM-4PM. The only day of rest Sunday. I seriously wanted to die by the end of the summer. To make matter worse my bf and I broke up during this time. Summer 2011 was one of the depressing times of my life. It was hell trying to get through each day and having to deal with children just made for a very cranky sad Dannielle. I would come home at night sad and annoyed at everything and everyone.
Friday July 2, 2011
The day from hell. It was the end of the week and all I wanted to go was home. On this particular day I was driving everywhere. To add stress to equation I had a mountain of Laundry to do for the family. Oh and did I mention one of the teens and I were having a terrible day together. Its 6:30PM and I had A HALF hour left. Then I was free for 10 hours before I had to be back the next morning. Before my temporary release I had to drive the 2 younger kids to a sleep over. I forced the older sister to come with me because she was my friend and I needed to vent.
After dropping the two little ones off we are driving home and we are ALMOST THERE!!!! TWO MILES AWAY FROM HOME!!!
WAMMM! CRASH! BANG! We get into a car accident!!! I will never forget that day. I was driving the family's car with the oldest daughter and we hit Not a car but a MAN on A Motor cycle!! Mother Hell to the Lord. Really?!?! I have never in my whole life been so afraid. We were okay and shockingly so was the car. I felt terrible and at that moment convinced I had just killed a man!
Thankfully I did not, he was badly banged up though. It turned out we were both at fault. A witness said it looked like he hit me. Bikes don't break well and he had to have been speeding because I did not see him over the hill before the light. But, I was still at some fault because I failed to yield at a yellow light. It was an unfamiliar intersection I did not realize how the lights worked. I guess a lot of accident happen there. To be honest it should not be a two way stop light.
Seriously have never been more afraid in my whole life. I thought I killed a man and would be going to jail. Now, given the situation the worst part was calling my mom and telling her what happen. I had been really brave mainly in shock and had not cried once! Until it was time to call mom. I still remember the feeling of utter dread trying to say the words "I got into an accident." I could feel my emotions catching up and knew the water works were coming...
A time I was afraid....
On a lighter note due to my lack of money flow I had NOT renewed my License at the time so the very nice cop had to drive the car to remove it from traffic. I had to sit in back and wait for someone with a license to get the car. So embarrassing!!!
Things I learned
No you will not go to jail.
Yes you need to have an update license
Check double check and triple CHECK all intersection before turning left
If you Do ride a Motorcycle Please be cool and wear a helmet!!!!!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Open Mind Open Heart
Day 3. Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered.
I say this because to many people are quick to judge, quick to disregard an idea or a person. In this situation I am talking about people. Human are naturally leveling themselves up to one and other. We think of ways we are better then someone else whether it be out of jealousy, insecurity, or just being ignorant. We all want the best for our loved ones and sometimes we don't agree with THEIR LIFE choices or people they choice to include in THEIR lives.
People want the best for their children. However, when your 24 year old daughter has been with the same guy for 8 years, it might be time you take a step back. Open your mind and your heart because this Man is the ONE. My best friend has been in a bi-racial relationship for the past 8 years. High school sweethearts! Her dad has never liked or agreed to the relationship because he was Black! :( As result, the relationship was kept from her father. Until recently, when they decided to move forward in there relationship. "Time to tell Daddy"....well he was not okay with it and at this point has pushed his daughter away almost completely.
I cannot help but be so sadden by this situation. I met Norman my freshman year of high school and immediately he became one of my best friends. He is the most loyal, sincere, and generous friend I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Norman has always been there for me when I needed a friend or a big scary black man to save me from a possible Craig's list creeper. What I love Most about Norman is he treats my best girlfriend right! For the last 8 years he has been a dedicated boyfriend to Christine. In 8 years they have never broken up, never left each other and NEVER cheated. They have a real connection and love each other to death. Who wouldn't want a good guy like Norman for their daughter.
Why can't you be as happy for her as I am...?
Today's advice stop judging people and get to know someone. Open your mind and heart because you never know who you are missing out on knowing or even loving. Just because he is black doesn't mean he isn't good enough for you daughter. He is the best for your daughter.
Just because you are black doesn't mean you have no future.
Just because you have Tattoos and Piercing doesn't make you scum.
~Be open minded with everything and more specifically every person you meet~
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For Christine and Norman |
I say this because to many people are quick to judge, quick to disregard an idea or a person. In this situation I am talking about people. Human are naturally leveling themselves up to one and other. We think of ways we are better then someone else whether it be out of jealousy, insecurity, or just being ignorant. We all want the best for our loved ones and sometimes we don't agree with THEIR LIFE choices or people they choice to include in THEIR lives.
People want the best for their children. However, when your 24 year old daughter has been with the same guy for 8 years, it might be time you take a step back. Open your mind and your heart because this Man is the ONE. My best friend has been in a bi-racial relationship for the past 8 years. High school sweethearts! Her dad has never liked or agreed to the relationship because he was Black! :( As result, the relationship was kept from her father. Until recently, when they decided to move forward in there relationship. "Time to tell Daddy"....well he was not okay with it and at this point has pushed his daughter away almost completely.
I cannot help but be so sadden by this situation. I met Norman my freshman year of high school and immediately he became one of my best friends. He is the most loyal, sincere, and generous friend I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Norman has always been there for me when I needed a friend or a big scary black man to save me from a possible Craig's list creeper. What I love Most about Norman is he treats my best girlfriend right! For the last 8 years he has been a dedicated boyfriend to Christine. In 8 years they have never broken up, never left each other and NEVER cheated. They have a real connection and love each other to death. Who wouldn't want a good guy like Norman for their daughter.
Why can't you be as happy for her as I am...?
Today's advice stop judging people and get to know someone. Open your mind and heart because you never know who you are missing out on knowing or even loving. Just because he is black doesn't mean he isn't good enough for you daughter. He is the best for your daughter.
Just because you are black doesn't mean you have no future.
Just because you have Tattoos and Piercing doesn't make you scum.
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Love this Picture |
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Maybe not Travel Just yet.
Wednesday, September 4: If you could take three months off from
your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?
This one is incredibly difficult to pick. I have so many ideas of things I would want to do for three months. After viewing a few other blog post on the topic I have decided I will go a different way. Its clear that if we could have time off everyone would travel. I know that is something I would love to do considering my life has been uneventful. I haven't had as many chances to travel.
Going to Europe, and backpacking though the country and living it up in a different city every week, would be epic.
Lately, I just want to get in my car and travel America that would be such an experience. My boyfriend got to travel from CT to CA with his sister via car. I was so jealous!!! Also, I want to live in a city more specifically Washington DC because it is just beautiful and there is tons to do!
However, If I had to really pick I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the opportunity to act in a comedy sitcom. . Sounds crazy to want to work, but I have hit a time in my life where I haven't worked in a long time due to schooling and now I'm having a difficult time finding work.
Therefore, in my boredom I have come to terms that I would love to act. I feel I would do well in sitcom. I can totally be funny :P Since this my fantasy I get to choose my big starting show, which would of course would be Co-staring in my new favorite show Baby Daddy! I started watching this summer and have become addicted!!! I would just love to be apart of the cast. I have learned they are all really good friends off screen and oh my gosh I would just love to hangout with Melissa Peterman! Most of all, I would love the opportunity to act and be someone completely different. I have always loved theater. I would seriously cry and envy the people who performed in plays I watched. I would start crying wishing I could be them. I am not even joking on the crying part. However, due to being extremely shy I never got to act in plays in high school. Why can't I just be discovered in a mall like some actors.
Three months off.... forgettraveling I would Act and have a role on Baby Daddy and I would be Danny's new love interest. NO, there is no hidden agenda in there. Oh and because I am acting aka "working" I would make Money!! Then with that money I would travel the world.
This might be lame to some but this is something I have become very passionate about and would just love to do with my life.
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A Dream!! |
Going to Europe, and backpacking though the country and living it up in a different city every week, would be epic.
Lately, I just want to get in my car and travel America that would be such an experience. My boyfriend got to travel from CT to CA with his sister via car. I was so jealous!!! Also, I want to live in a city more specifically Washington DC because it is just beautiful and there is tons to do!
However, If I had to really pick I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the opportunity to act in a comedy sitcom. . Sounds crazy to want to work, but I have hit a time in my life where I haven't worked in a long time due to schooling and now I'm having a difficult time finding work.
Therefore, in my boredom I have come to terms that I would love to act. I feel I would do well in sitcom. I can totally be funny :P Since this my fantasy I get to choose my big starting show, which would of course would be Co-staring in my new favorite show Baby Daddy! I started watching this summer and have become addicted!!! I would just love to be apart of the cast. I have learned they are all really good friends off screen and oh my gosh I would just love to hangout with Melissa Peterman! Most of all, I would love the opportunity to act and be someone completely different. I have always loved theater. I would seriously cry and envy the people who performed in plays I watched. I would start crying wishing I could be them. I am not even joking on the crying part. However, due to being extremely shy I never got to act in plays in high school. Why can't I just be discovered in a mall like some actors.
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Three months off.... forget
This might be lame to some but this is something I have become very passionate about and would just love to do with my life.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I come from-family.
Welcome to my blog I am hoping to gain some new reader and hopefully you all will like what I have to say...
Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are
I come from a big Italian Family so we are loud and holidays are kind of a big deal. Seriously, It is not Thanksgiving without sitting at the table with my family and having my cousin Tony next to me.
My Grandparents are my idols who are still married to this day, They one of the only couples I know who still love each other to death. My grandpa would do anything for my grandma and I appreciate the time I get to spend with them more then anything. I love watching as my grandpa takes care of my gram. She has a few health issues and grandpa is always by her side. Its amazing to see that kind of deep love.
In my family everyone body knows everyone's business and well I love it! Being that its a family of TEN. My grandparents and there 8 children plus there children, there is plenty of gossip to go around. Now being that we are all close we do have our typically tiffs. HOWEVER, No matter what we are always there for one and other. IF someone is in the Hospital well you can bet there will be a party. Even if its for stitches.
We all show up!
My grandpa is the heart and soul of the family and keeps us all in line. I have nothing but respect for that man. He is the most genuine man I have ever had to the pleasure to sit with and share life. In our family you respect the elders. Never would I talk back to him. Side note he does not like swearing and well I have a truckers mouth. Hes funny thought, always somehow turns the check when I drop the F bomb. He cares so deeply for each of his children and all ever wants to do is provide for them everything he can. Hes is such a sweet man I could not ask for a better grandpa.
Now, the most important women in my life is my mother. She is my Rock, Best friend, and most of open to the person I am. She has always been my number one. I seriously have no idea where I would be in life If It wasn't for her. She is the strongest toughest women I know. She will fight for anything she wants and she will succeed. She doesn't take disrespect from anyone and she will be herself even if others don't agree. Once she sets her heart on something she follows through. I love the passion she has in life to achieve many of her goal and deepest disires. I wish to be just like her someday.
This is my life and where I come from. We work hard to make ourselves happy. If you are in trouble you call and we are right there. No matter what we will drop whatever we are doing to be by your side.
We stick together. Most of all we respect.
Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are
I come from a big Italian Family so we are loud and holidays are kind of a big deal. Seriously, It is not Thanksgiving without sitting at the table with my family and having my cousin Tony next to me.
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Family table. Tony in Strips keeping out seats. |
In my family everyone body knows everyone's business and well I love it! Being that its a family of TEN. My grandparents and there 8 children plus there children, there is plenty of gossip to go around. Now being that we are all close we do have our typically tiffs. HOWEVER, No matter what we are always there for one and other. IF someone is in the Hospital well you can bet there will be a party. Even if its for stitches.
We all show up!
My grandpa is the heart and soul of the family and keeps us all in line. I have nothing but respect for that man. He is the most genuine man I have ever had to the pleasure to sit with and share life. In our family you respect the elders. Never would I talk back to him. Side note he does not like swearing and well I have a truckers mouth. Hes funny thought, always somehow turns the check when I drop the F bomb. He cares so deeply for each of his children and all ever wants to do is provide for them everything he can. Hes is such a sweet man I could not ask for a better grandpa.
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Grandpa <3 |
Now, the most important women in my life is my mother. She is my Rock, Best friend, and most of open to the person I am. She has always been my number one. I seriously have no idea where I would be in life If It wasn't for her. She is the strongest toughest women I know. She will fight for anything she wants and she will succeed. She doesn't take disrespect from anyone and she will be herself even if others don't agree. Once she sets her heart on something she follows through. I love the passion she has in life to achieve many of her goal and deepest disires. I wish to be just like her someday.
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My Best friend |
This is my life and where I come from. We work hard to make ourselves happy. If you are in trouble you call and we are right there. No matter what we will drop whatever we are doing to be by your side.
We stick together. Most of all we respect.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
The time has come again for yet another challenge
One I feel I will actually follow through with
Instead of blogging EVERYDAY (which totally failed at)
I think I was able to make 17 out of the 31 days.
The new Challenge is blogging every day of the week
Weekends off! Thought of by my favorite blogger
Jenni Story of My Life
Join me Monday for start of a great month of blogging as much as I can.
Jenni has come up with some great topic that I am very excited to write about.
Dannielle L)
One I feel I will actually follow through with
Instead of blogging EVERYDAY (which totally failed at)
I think I was able to make 17 out of the 31 days.
The new Challenge is blogging every day of the week
Weekends off! Thought of by my favorite blogger
Jenni Story of My Life
Join me Monday for start of a great month of blogging as much as I can.
Jenni has come up with some great topic that I am very excited to write about.
Dannielle L)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
For awhile now nothing seems to be anything
Everything seems out of place.
Am I out of place?
Should I be here where I am right now?
It is right anymore is anything right,
Well that would For certain be a NO.
I feel I will always be second when I once was first,
I read things I know I shouldn't
However, my eyes can't help it.
You would be mad.
What is the point?
Most amazing indescribable feelings god can give.
I am not as real.
Everything seems out of place.
Am I out of place?
Should I be here where I am right now?
It is right anymore is anything right,
Well that would For certain be a NO.
I feel I will always be second when I once was first,
I read things I know I shouldn't
However, my eyes can't help it.
You would be mad.
What is the point?
Most amazing indescribable feelings god can give.
I am not as real.
Friday, July 19, 2013
The Golden Ages.
I am watching midnight in pairs and it is literally making me want to write and be in love
I want to walk the streets and talk with someone special. I wish I could walk with Michael right now and connect with him.
I am craving this so badly right now but at this moment we are not together and its driving me insane, Its boys night for him.
This movie is very intense and crazy: an engaged writer travels at night back to the 20s and bonds with the Fitzgerald's and Hemingway. What a treasure that would be to be in a room with them and learn from these incredible beings.
Time travels is the most incredible phenomena. I wish it was possible for me to part take. I would go right to the 20 for certain it is my favorite time period everything is just so simple and fun. Dancing and laughter. And No technology! To be in a time with no technology would be a treasure.
Love is my passion in life it is what make me. I wonder what love would have been like then and how easy it might have been. I feel it was probably a time where you could get lost because it was just the two of you in the world. I feel technology although great really doesn't allow for much alone time. Its like there always a third being in the room.
What do I want to do with my Life I want to travel through time! I want to see the 20s and live slowly.
I Just want to walk right now.
I could babble on for so long But I will contain my excitment.
I feel So enlightened and free within myself of this moment. One day I will travel to places and maybe I'll find myself on the streets of pairs at midnight and maybe I too, will get in a car and travel to the 20s.
I want to walk the streets and talk with someone special. I wish I could walk with Michael right now and connect with him.
I am craving this so badly right now but at this moment we are not together and its driving me insane, Its boys night for him.
This movie is very intense and crazy: an engaged writer travels at night back to the 20s and bonds with the Fitzgerald's and Hemingway. What a treasure that would be to be in a room with them and learn from these incredible beings.
Time travels is the most incredible phenomena. I wish it was possible for me to part take. I would go right to the 20 for certain it is my favorite time period everything is just so simple and fun. Dancing and laughter. And No technology! To be in a time with no technology would be a treasure.
Googled 1920's Love |
Love is my passion in life it is what make me. I wonder what love would have been like then and how easy it might have been. I feel it was probably a time where you could get lost because it was just the two of you in the world. I feel technology although great really doesn't allow for much alone time. Its like there always a third being in the room.
What do I want to do with my Life I want to travel through time! I want to see the 20s and live slowly.
I Just want to walk right now.
I could babble on for so long But I will contain my excitment.
I feel So enlightened and free within myself of this moment. One day I will travel to places and maybe I'll find myself on the streets of pairs at midnight and maybe I too, will get in a car and travel to the 20s.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Day 31
Blogging everyday of May is pretty over. The challenge I am sad to say was not as successful as I thought. However, it has opening my eye more to blogging and my thoughts on writing. I love sharing my thoughts with the internet. I like the release It gives me to put myself out there and let people see me.
Although I may I have failed at blogging EVERYDAY It did get my butt in gear and I feel I have become a better blogger and learned many new topics to talk about. Lastly, I learned how to put my blogg out there for the world to see. I have had the most view this month. It helps that I actually started real continuous work on my blogg too.
Blogging everyday has made me think a lot more about myself and my life. I have many thought I want to share with the world. I take pictures now and think hmmmm I think I might want to share this and see what other might have to say. I am new to the blogging world so blogging everyday of May helped me find more of a voice. I am still working on it but I feel in time I will find it, The spark that really bring who I am out and can connect with other readers.
May has been a very intense month filled with many different emotions and events. Its been a long month but I made it through alive. This was the month I found myself blogging about real topics and putting myself out there, I graduated college and no longer have to stress about school, I turned a whole year older. I went into May as a 23 year old and as of May 8th I turned 24! It was Mothers days and spent a great deal of much needed mommy and daughter time with my mom, Got to see an old friend whom I had not seen in over 6 months, I got an adorable little kitten Stella, I went out for desert, and found myself really trying to move forward in my life. Its time I made good changes. Without school hanging over my head I can start living. Look for a job, and enjoy my summer again for the first time In over two years.
So as this month comes to end a new month begins.
lastly, I will be trying this challenge again and hopefully make all 31 days!
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