Friday, May 31, 2013
Day 31
Blogging everyday of May is pretty over. The challenge I am sad to say was not as successful as I thought. However, it has opening my eye more to blogging and my thoughts on writing. I love sharing my thoughts with the internet. I like the release It gives me to put myself out there and let people see me.
Although I may I have failed at blogging EVERYDAY It did get my butt in gear and I feel I have become a better blogger and learned many new topics to talk about. Lastly, I learned how to put my blogg out there for the world to see. I have had the most view this month. It helps that I actually started real continuous work on my blogg too.
Blogging everyday has made me think a lot more about myself and my life. I have many thought I want to share with the world. I take pictures now and think hmmmm I think I might want to share this and see what other might have to say. I am new to the blogging world so blogging everyday of May helped me find more of a voice. I am still working on it but I feel in time I will find it, The spark that really bring who I am out and can connect with other readers.
May has been a very intense month filled with many different emotions and events. Its been a long month but I made it through alive. This was the month I found myself blogging about real topics and putting myself out there, I graduated college and no longer have to stress about school, I turned a whole year older. I went into May as a 23 year old and as of May 8th I turned 24! It was Mothers days and spent a great deal of much needed mommy and daughter time with my mom, Got to see an old friend whom I had not seen in over 6 months, I got an adorable little kitten Stella, I went out for desert, and found myself really trying to move forward in my life. Its time I made good changes. Without school hanging over my head I can start living. Look for a job, and enjoy my summer again for the first time In over two years.
So as this month comes to end a new month begins.
lastly, I will be trying this challenge again and hopefully make all 31 days!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Day 30
Well yesterday I had time to spare at the Michael's. He wanted alone time to be a man. So I went to hangout with his sister whom I love dearly. She is like sister I never had. She does fashion makes her own dresses and knit amazing hat! Check her out. Kitty Armor
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Hats and More! |
So yesterday we were looking for something to do it was late. It was either go look for desks at the store, go to my house and see my kitten Stella or just randomly we thought of going for desert
Desert won!! She had gone to chili's recently and had this yummy chocolate chip cookie with ice cream while I was craving the paradise pie My all time favorite desert. We debated and felt weird going for desert and only that. I was all for it. Rachel on the other hand was unsure but I could tell she wanted it. We were getting ready to leave and what does she do say "wait I don't know." I had to yell at her to get into my car.
It was so yummy, sweet, crunchy, and delicious. It had been so long since I had it maybe over a year. Such a nice random outing. We had so much fun sharing stories of spiders and body functions.
There is nothing wrong with going out for just desert!
Random picture from Google |
Monday, May 27, 2013
Today I talk about one my kitten is attacking the computer this scares me. I'm worried she will scratch the screen. Oh boy! She is funny. I love this kitten now.
Once it is broken it is awfully hard to get it back. Its has been an extremely bumpy road the last year. I have been through a lot and trying to deal with it all. I thought I was getting better I thought things were changing. I want to believe they are but I still feel unsure. I still feel like maybe this isn't true. Maybe I am wearing the blinders. Maybe I don't want to believe it because I don't want to lose you. I don't know. I just wish I could be told the truth. I wish that I didn't feel the way I did. It always causes problems But what am I supposed to do. I have to say something. I have to be honest. I have not been honest I have not been truthful. The pit in my stomach is telling me something bad. Usually it is never wrong. I don't want to be right. I don't want it to be true. But I have nothing left. I feel I am in a shadow. I am hiding beneath the tree. Afraid of the truth afraid I will have to face the light alone. My heart feel unsafe It feels scared and not in a good way.
Why? d
Callie: You feel terrible? You took advantage, he was your best friend. I tried to trust you. So much that I convinced myself that it was all in my head, that I was crazy. But I wasn't, was I? And then you pulled that thing in the cafeteria today. It's not bad enough that you humiliate me by getting in bed with my husband, you have to humiliate me at work too. George may be the one who broke his vows but you... we're women, Izzie. You did this to another woman. You took something from me. You stole something from me like a petty little thief. YOU are the one who should be humiliated. YOU are the one who should be ashamed. You are the one... don't you dare come to me for forgiveness you traitorous bitch.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I like to blog every OTHER day
So apparently we have a new kitten. I sadly am not as happy as excepted. So in my last post I talk about getting a kitten for my grandparents. It was the most exciting and happiest I've seen them. They fell in LOVE with Stella. However, her Pit Bull Dog did not like her at all!
Back story Mouch the Pit Bull Got attacked by a cat many years ago. It was really bad and my grandparents almost took her to the vet. So naturally she doesn't like cats right away. Thinks they will hurt her. Due to this when ever a cat would come around my grandparents they would say "get the cat" "where is the cat?" Therefore, she was trained to be a bully and defend herself to cats.
My grandparents didn't think this would be a problem. They got the kitten and Mouch tried to go after her. But they thought she was just being a dog and seeing something new. They needed time. Time would make them friends. But two days later it wasn't working and the kitten was being locked up.
Now last night there was a big mess, Mouch went after Stella. Their Poodle Pudding tried to stop Mouch and thankfully my uncle was there to separate them. Then came the call to my mom and I. The kitten had to go All animals needed to be protected. It was very sad. I felt terrible bringing in a kitten giving them this joy only to have to take the kitten away.
I felt like a DCF working taking a kid away from parents who loved their children but couldn't provide. Just sad My poor grandparents.
Now we have a new kitten and its sad. I feel awful as if I have betrayed my two cats whom I love with all my heart. Olive and Frisky My girls. My mom and I wanted another cat but not this way and not now. But here she is. We love her but its just hard right now.Mainly because I feel guilty to my grandparents. Stella was their cat. Guilt Guilt Guilt.
I do love Stella more then anything. She is too cute with her pretty grey eyes and soft little body. I hope in time it won't feel so bad having her. Cause she is quite the Gal.
Here are kitty Pictures.
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Olive Clearly the Black one and Frisky the grey kitty! My girls on my Bed. |
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Happy Olive |
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Stella Being Cute while Sleeping! |
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Forced |
Monday, May 20, 2013
day 20
First off, this blogging every day IS a big struggle. I am failing miserably. I feel awful, I think about it and be like I should blog but then I don't, Or I am just not sitting at a computer. Yeah I can blogg from my phone but its a bit of a pain. After much thought I have decided I will make this challenge last longer then may. I will continue to work on blogging everyday for a month untill I complete a full month of blogging. I believe I can do this!
Lastly, this is main reason I have been away for quite a few days I have been on a hunt looking for a kitten. Back in March my grandmother requested me to find her a kitten. Now I LOVE cats and KITTENS! Kittens are my favorite and they have not had a kitten in there house like ever. It always made me sad to go to grandparents and not have kitty to play with. So when I was instructed to find her a kitten I jumped at the opportunity! So I drove in thinking it would take days a week at most.
I went straight to Craigslist to find a kitten because was that was the only place I could find them. Well, it turned out what I thought would be easy was actually one of the biggest challenges and most emotional as every. The process was endless. First off, there was the payment issue. We wanted a free kitten and or inexpressive. $25 seemed reasonable considering these kittens were free for the owner and they didn't usually have to do much work. So we had to turned away from those kittens. Lastly, my grandma wanted a baby! Like 4-6wks. young I Know but she has dogs and wanted to kitten to know it sooner rather then later. Effecting the options of getting a kitten,
After searching for a month, I finally got a sure thing call back about a kitten and they were only 25 which seemed reasonable. They had just been born So I had to wait a few weeks before they were ready. Called my gram, she was happy and excited. waited a few days and checked in and did not hear back . so I waited called again. Got nothing. Then made my mom call and found out some elderly lady would take the liter. So I lost my kitten. She was going to be an orange kitty her name would have been Tilly. Since I was getting the kitten my grandma allowed me to name her. Oh and the kitten had to be a female. Yup that added to difficulty of finding a kitten.
Now we meet what would have been Samantha, So after been let down I found another person who called back., Middle of April they were born. So had to go back to waiting again for the kitten to be ready. These were blue Russians. Now they were for sure going to be a definite. I had been calling and checking in hearing positive things. I wanted to take them at 4 weeks and give it to my gram for mothers day buttt didn't want to take her too soon. So I waited one more week. I was told everyone was going the next week on Friday So I said a few more days and it will be okay. Alllll week I was excited and looking forward to this. Went to get an address Thursday Only to find out that they were gone! My kitten was gone!! The landlord found out about them and they had to go and she lost my number. I was so upset I felt like dying. Here I was almost three months later A day away from finally bringing my gram her kitten and I had nothing. I cried for two day.
Back to craigslist I went. I was so mad!! I couldn't handle it. I felt like I knew what it was like to go through adoption with children. Its terrible and rips you apart.
So over the weekend I was find a kitten. I was getting one! I was orignally going to get everything for gram as a gift along with the kitten. However, I found out she already had everything. Soooo. from that point on money didn't matter! We upped our budget my mom and I. I found a family who had kittens and they were $40 which is wayyy more then I wanted to buy. But I needed the kitten search to be over! So I drove with a friend over an hour sitting in traffic to get a kitten. Then waiting for the people to show up for another hour and a half.
Finally they show up in their little blue car. We made the exchange and I finally had a kitten! After THREE long Long LONG Months We had a kitten!!! I was so happy I could cry! To make it even better I got to hold the kitten the whole way home. Icing to the cake was my gram had no idea she was finally getting her kitten! I wanted it to be a complete and total surprise and it WAS! She was sooo Happy!!
Now meet little Miss Stella Rose!
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So Shy! "who are these people? Meow?!" |
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He is the cat wispier! Stella loves papa! |
Friday, May 17, 2013
Favorite Photo
Favorite Photo
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Day 15
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Yay I made it!! |
Let me tell you I did not want to walk yesterday. However, I was forced by my mom. She was very persistent on the need to see her little girl graduate. Therefore I attended the ceremony. It was terrible at first because I did not think Michael would make it, due to work. I was very upset and sad. Not to mention I did not really know anyone in my major very well. Thankful,l for once my nerves were working with me and I approached some girl I did not know who was in my major and for that night we were friends. Then to make it ALL worth it Micheal showed up in the middle. I was able to spot him the second he walked in. I was relieved and excited in that moment.
Now, I must say even though it was long and painful. I am VERY happy I attended the graduation ceremony because I got to see an old teacher and talk to him for a second. I had this man my first year at Eastern. Now I was very new to whole lets take college serious. I took other classes before at a different school EASY classes.
I took Psychopathology of Childhood. Now, first off this was my first Child psy class and I jumped the gun. It was level 300 which is very advanced in child psy. I kind of forgot I should take the intro classes to child psy first. And to make matter worse I was that kid that didn't go to class as often as I should have. By the end of the semester my grades sucked. No matter how hard I studied I could not pass. On the last day the teacher called my friend and I out and said we suck and need to go to class to pass. That is COLLEGE. I failed for the first time ever. And I hated him for it.
However, because of him I was determined to go back and do it right. I did not give up. If anything it pushed me to really LEARN and INVEST in studying and ATTEND classes regularly. From that moment on I worked my butt off to improve and continued to take all of is classes. From thisI learned how to study and I how easy his exam really were. He made everything real life. No multiple choice all writing. I really grew to like to his exams. They were challenging but in an understanding way.
The second time around with him went a lot smoother and I did it right I took the 200 classes first. and by the of end of that semester I loved him as a teacher. He will forever be the most inspiring teacher I will ever have had the pleasure of learning from. Once I saw him at graduation I knew I had to talk to him. I went over and hugged him told him "It is because of you I was able to pass school., You kicked my ass and got my head straight thank you." He thanked me and said I will take that with me. Talking about it now I could cry because I will miss him most of all.
This post is dedicated to Dr. Danforth. Thank you so much for being the voice I so desperately needed at Eastern. You will never know how much you truly impacted my life and complete changed my outlook on school and my field of study.
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After Graduation!! |
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Day 14
Today I blog from my phone because I really don't want to give up blogging everyday even though again I failed.
So today I finally after 6 long somewhat miserable years, hours, invested in studying, hundreds of flash cards later I graduate from college. I made it. Today at 6 I will be wearing my cap and gown waiting to hear my name called and walk across the stage to get my not diploma. Yup that's right our school emails them. But hey ill get a cool diploma folder case thing.
I'm so excited to no longer be in school and not have to stree over exams and or paper. Both of which I'm terrible at.
Now I just have to venture out into the real world and fine a big girl job! Yay! Oh the funn I'll be having with that. I'm child psych person so I'll need luck finding a job.
I've been really unexcited to walk but its important to my family so don't tell them but I'm excited to make them happy and go through with walking. I'll post pictures tomorrow!
Have a wonderful day
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Day 11
Harder then it looks.

*you can't see me!*
*Morning spend with my bestie Ashley detracting our selves with make up. SO much to play with!!_
This is me and I try to be the best I can. Can't we all just be friends?
Looking forward to tomorrow.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Day 10.
Alright so as a part of blogging everyday of may my favorite blogger Jenni came up with great subjects to talk about. Today is embarrassing stories and while I have lots. I will give the most embarrassing one I have to offer. Lets start with it is not pretty.
Well my brother told me once that he had a bad case of shy bladder and could not pee in public places. After he told me of this shyness I developed a shy bladder as well.
Well my Senior of high school I was with my four friends. Dom, cam, Kate (Doms sister) and Brie. Now in our hometown there Is NOTHING at all to do after 7, often we drive aimlessly around town in the middle of the night.
Now before we left I felt like I should use the bathroom my momma always said to "make two drops." Buttt I passed.
So we are driving around I can tell I HAVE to goo!!! Man I should not have drank sooo much damn water that day. Everyone said to pee outside in a bush. But my shy badder was in effect. Not to mention I have a big crush one of the guys, So f my life right now!
Welll I could not do the bush thing and Its about an hour and half into my pain, and we are dropping my crush off. I asked to use his bathroom and the jerk refused. Said he didn't want to wake his parents. So I was SOL. OH and he lives 15 minutes away from her house. maybe even longer. I really can't take it anymore. But I am doing my best to make it home.
Minutes like 2 or 3 minutes and I cannot take it anymore. I could not handle it.Ran OUT OF STRENGTH! I was screaming to her to pull over of course she hesitates because its kind of public but by this point its happening. I have started peeing. She finally pulls over I struggle with the door get out of the car. Hear her brother screaming and I have just given up. No point in stopping now. No point in trying to make it clean.
I HAD PEED MY PANTS!! thank The lord she had leather seats.
I still remember her bother screaming "it Smells!" the whole way back.
Ending statement I got over the shy bladder right after THAT.
Yup so there it is. its gross but Oh my god so embarrassing and sooooo funny to remember now.
All our friends found out that week including my crush.
Alright viewers let me know your thoughts be honest if I was too reveling.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Day 9
I have officially failed blogging everyday. I still somehow hope to make these days up.
Let me tell you it is difficult to blog when you have limited access to a computer. Here I am blogging from my phone and it just doesn't feel the same.
The last few days have been crazy. Tuesday I was home all day but had no compter. That was kind of boring. Although I did get to gether with an old friend which was nice. Wednesday was my birthday and I did birthdays. Its was really nice I got to see IRON MAN 3!!! Best movie. Oh my god sooo awesome. Everyone must go see.
Today was a fun day as well and gorged on all you can eat sushi! So yummy! I went with my non sister but like a sister. (I see her brother) she is the best and I already love her like sister! We had so much fun and laughed a lot.
Funny story. Well were looking at her sisters insagram and Rachel brought up she was waiting to find her sister wearing an old coat that was her. Rachel was convinced jess(her sister) took it. Well I made her describe it andddd welll low and behold I have had the coat the wholeeeeeee time. Since october 24th 2011 I have had it. Hahaaha it was so hilaroussss. She had so much anger toward her sister because she thought she stole it. Welp nope I had it. That night I was going to halloween party and the coat was given to me and it ended up at my house never really thought twice.
Now I shall return the coatt aand nextttt winter she can finally wear it. She was so relieved. But gosh so funny!
So tomorrow I will be back with more I promis!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Day 6
Here are my thoughts while sitting on a crate spending time with my love.
Good Luck my friends In reading these. I hope this is actually readable and you enjoy the creative this of Mad Mondays Post.
Till Tomorrow my Friends.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Day 5
This may sound weird BUTTT I am the type of person who loves to visualize. I love to play every detail out. So often when I'm reading a book I must be able to have a visual of what is happen and what each character looks like. It is a MUST. If I do not do this or stop doing it, I'll catch myself and go "what the F is going on here?" I will reread paragraphs and sentences over and over again until I have it correctly visualized to my liking. I love playing the book in my head. I love coming up with my own idea of each character.
I read The Lucky One by Nicolas Sparks LOVE HIM! Well I did this after it came to theater. I originally wasn't sure how I felt about the movie and I love to read first then watch. Therefore I passed on seeing it.
Until one day low and be hold, while thrift shopping I found the book. It was an original first edition copy. I thought I must buy you and for a dollar HELL YA! I opened the book and fell in LOVE. It was amazing. Everything was new beautiful and my own vision. Except for Zak Efron I knew he was the main character before hand so there wasn't much for me to imagine as I knew he was playing the roll of Logan.
The book had a lot of meaning and deep emotions throughout. I really felt connected to the characters and their experiences throughout. I was able to really see life differently too after reading it. I felt I really needed to take a step back and rethink every stupid thing I over think or get upset about. People are fighting in a war and I am upset because there isn't much to eat in my house or its too hot. Well that is nothing compared to what our Soldiers go through. I must say hands down top favorite book. I recommend it to anyone and everyone!
Reading is tough though. I am slow and take my time because I want it to be perfect! PERFECT I tell you!! Harry Potter is yes the greatest of all books. One of the first books I really got into and just embraced. I love magic and the idea that there are really wizards and witches out there. So naturally I took my dear sweet time with these books. I never wanted it to end. I wanted to hold on to every word and character for as long as humanly possible. So while everyone finished the 7th book in hours I did not. I took a week because I wanted it to beautiful and not rushed. Harry Potter should never be rushed. He should be enjoyed. Oh how I must go back and reread you Mr. Potter.
*Books reading now*
Till tomorrow
Saturday, May 4, 2013
True Friends
True friends
Recently I have learned a lot about friendships and what a real friend means. I have learned that friends are always friends. No matter what. No matter the distance or the time if its a real true friendship you will always be friends.
Although we like to believe our friends are always there for us when we need them most its not true and I have learned that is okay. It is okay for your best friends to move away and leave, make their own lives for themselves. It took time for me to understand this and accept that this is life. We can't always be there for each other.
Last year I went through a pretty bad break up and I felt extremely alone and unable to function most of the time. None of my closes friends were around at the time. Some didn't even make that much of an effort to make sure I was really okay. I was resentful and mad but then over time I just realized they weren't trying to hurt me on purpose. Through communication and time invested I was able to speak with my friends and we all understood it wasn't meant to be selfish or hurtful.
To me a friend is someone who you can go months to years without seeing and still pick up the phone or or get a quick cup of coffee and bullshit like there was never any distance to begin with.
This entry is for my great friend Caroline. Time never Changes what we are to each other.